Fuhrer is a deep tissue massage oil to develop the peripheral blood circulation. It can control body odour and mild pain & stiffness. The natural perfume effect of Fuhrer can work as an addictive flavour. Fuhrer can reduce the skin issues, pigmentations and various categories of discolorations. It is suitable for regular use and for a healthy skin. useful for dry skin, Acne pigmentation Deep tissue massage body odour control breast massage peripheral blood circulation skin care general sinus care Virgin coconut oil (non-cold pressed): Post-partum application of this oil reduces stretch marks, and is also good for nursing mothers who develop cracked nipples. You can still nurse the baby, as it has zero side effects if the baby ingests it. Coconut oil is made up of medium chain fatty acids which help to reduce dryness and allow your skin to retain moisture. Coconut oil provides a protective barrier, helping shield skin from environmental toxins, d...